Sunday, November 29, 2020

My english blogging experience

 Hi everyone! 

I think this is the last blog I'll writting so I want to share my experience of writting in english with you guys.

I think this experience of  writting in english has allowed me understand much better everything I read in english, I have improved a lot my writting because in my first blogs honestly I dont know what i was writting😂 because, I dont remembered the tenses and  always used the "that" word every time. But now I can handle the tenses very well, I write only the necessary without crutches but I still have difficulties with some words i dont know what it means in english and the translator helps me a lot

To improve my english i think i'm going to write more in my notebook, view movies without subtitles or with subtitles in english. My computer is already in english maybe i would to change it in my phone too and i'm going to try to learn lyrics of my favorite songs, preferably rap.

I use english almost every day. I love listen music and always I search the meaning of the lyrics of the songs that i like and I try to learn the lyrics. Also sometimes when I searching info for my works and that info is in english I try to read it just as it is and thanks to practice and patience i understand very well.

Also like a personal comment this experience has been useful to all of us because in the future we could give our opinions, and relationated in the social medias with different people through this universal language. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Changes to my study programme

Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about some stuffs i would like to change in my study programme 

Obviously  the academic charge is a thing, a thing we can't change but if could be change that would so good for everyone and for me would be amazing. In my opinion the academic charge stress us a lot and it's bad for our mental health, i wouldn't mind if the duration of the career lengthens because with that i would learn better some difficult subject that require time and dedication to study it.

I think the subject of the study programme of my carrer are really complete, we have a diversity of contents between the mathematic, art and history areas. also the other subjects that aren't included in the programme  and at the same time the university offers us are very helpful at the time we want to learn new habilitys and new knowledges about universal current contents of our society, i don't know some stuff like that haha. I really like the subjects that offers the the faculty.

About the infrastructure of my faculty, i really like it, i mean, I got used to it already. It's old but it has something that you enjoy to stay there, i think it must be Las Pircas haha. Also every space betwen the 6 blocks have diferents spaces and program that ivites you to stay and hang out with your friends. I wouldn't change anything of the estructure i think is very special.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

When I graduate from architecture, I would like to do master relationated with my career to follow learning and win experience when it arrive the time to work. I really haven't thinkg about what specifically master i want to do, I'm going to investigates some ones, but one i been thinkin about is do a master about sustainability and something realtionated with the urban because, like y writen in my last blog  we need sustentaible constructions to people and for the world :). 

For the master i want to do, and other masters that problaly take ,  i would to do it in other contrys like Italy, Greece and Spain because they have iconic architectural constructions that i would love to visit them and they are countries of a immense knowledge to expand my horizons. Also i would like to go US. 

Online class have been very helpful for the context we are living, I think this mode to do online class should be included with pressencial classes. I would be very grateful to go to study in a mix sistem of class because sometimes when i went to the university before corona i had to do some formalities with the bank and go to the medic and this specific events don't let me go to my class. Also if i get sick i would to view my recorded classes one and again . Would be more easy.